Cure for Migraine- an amazing life hack by Indiana Woman


Migraine is like a ruin. The painful headaches which have no guaranteed proper pain relievers out there in the market. It is called to be, one among the 3 common illness which the adults suffer today. It causes one to lack behind their regular life and social interactions and any help of any kind is not the right point to get them out of such. But guess, the year 2019, was a golden year as for an Indiana woman provided the world with a remedy using a helpful house tool, to try for migraines, as soon as there is any pain experienced.

Migraines Headache- a suffer buffer

It’s said, one who experiences, finds a way out, whether it be a pain or a problem, they get to solution just like Elizabeth Hayes, an Indiana native, Brazil. Aching pain on head sides, fatigue, light-headedness, pain worsening with physical activity, etc, all that are symptoms of migraine was experienced by her. But guess what, she was not the one to lie on the bed and let it pass off. She just knew she had to find a way through same and finally 12 hours of continuous pain in February 2019, she took a step, after trying with painkillers and some of the known home remedies. It was hard to see anything working as medically things which seemed to calm her, were of no use. Even coffee and whole grains didn’t seem to help, but she knew, she had to find a cure for this pain.

Home Remedy for a better life

Looking around on the internet, she saw many devices but what gained her attention was a simple home owned food clip. Almost everyone owns a food clip and this is what made her try out the same to relieve some pressure. A simple clasp of the food clip between the forefinger and the thumb, and the migraine was easily curable, the pain for Haynes was relieved in less than 20 minutes.

The trick came in with an uncertainty of mind but the willingness to try was what made her reach out to people around for helping them through Facebook. For a condition which gets severe, there are a lot of people around suffering from pain. This one way of relieving the pressure between the thumb and forefinger, it helped them by reaching around 300,000 people through social media.

The reason behind its working

This remedy is similar to acupressure for all those who find this familiar. If we look around at the ancients, the Chinese medicine believed that every organ of the body is connected to a pressure point and by applying a little pressure over same, it can relieve many troubling symptoms and maintain the flow of energy. All of this together combats the pain one experiences and helps them lead a better day.

As for connecting acupressure, this trick suggested by Haynes is known as He Gu and is one among the most sensitive pressure points in the body. In-depth, it’s the only point which helps with stress and migraine and sometimes with digestive issues too. If one experiences any digestive issues or upset stomach, a little pressure in between the thumb and the forefinger will help get the relief faster than medicine or help of any acupressure therapist or any kind of massage. Just keep calm, clip the point with the food clip and lead a better day.
