A recently released 100-minute-long film follows the astonishing life story of the woman who...
Author - Phelia Cantara
7 of the Strangest Pet Accessories Ever
Pets make our lives bigger and more full than we ever could have thought. However, some people take...
Indian Man Wakes Up On Autopsy Table
An Indian man shocked hospital staff when he woke up on an autopsy table, minutes before a post...
Hollywood Celebs Donate $8.1million to Get Hillary Clinton Back...
Everyone has probably heard about Hillary Clinton’s race for presidential election. She is now...
16 of the Most Underrated Movies
Jupiter Ascending Both the advertising campaign promoting and the general hype surrounding this...
10 Best Movie Fight Scenes Ever
Anyone who loves movies will understand that some of the best scenes involve a lot of fighting and...
Are Your Bad Moods Making You Unproductive? Here is How to Find...
Think about how much coffee you drink on a daily basis, or how much sleep you got last night, or...
11 Things You Should Be Wary of When Dating
We have all been there, that dreaded first date routine. For some people it comes naturally, for...
10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries Nobody Can Explain
Malayisan Airplanes A Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared without a trace while on its way from...
The Tallest Buildings in the World
Man’s endless pursuit to always strive higher has led to a number of cities taking on the challenge...